Black Women’s Blueprint

Black Women’s Blueprint is a non-profit organization that cultivates a safe community space where women and all people can lead lives of sovereignty. Black Women’s Blueprint was born out of the struggle of Black women and survivors, who are allowing land to facilitate their healing process. Black Women’s Blueprint was founded in 2008 during the Obama/Clinton election as women of color were asked to vote for their race or their gender, and decided they deserved both.

Picture was taken from Twitter’s Black Women’s Blueprint account

Black Women’s Blueprint focuses on three main pillars: seeding health, healing communities and providing land. 

Seeding Health focuses on turning the tide on the social determinants of health, using holistic healing with medicinal plants, and herbs; accessible and inclusive healthcare, and considering food a pillar of good health. This is all paralleled with seeding environmental health and learning how to live and farm sustainably.

Picture was taken from Black Women’s Blueprint website

Healing Communities focuses on creating safe environments to heal. This includes where radical reconciliation is practiced, either by the individuals dealing with relational, communal, or societal trauma. There is always access to retreats, workshops and sister circles to have an open space for communication. 

Picture was taken from Black Women’s Blueprint website

Lastly, providing land focuses gives marginalized people access to land and also be put in mutuality with the land. Examples of this can be giving land back to Indigenous Communities and finding sustainable ways to farm through community partners. Providing land is guided by reparations.

Picture taken from Black Women’s Blueprint website
